4D Monitoring continue to work closely with LSH.
After the success of the first month, incremental adjustments to boiler and AHU run times and set points reduced operation by 35% and 32% respectively. A 37,665 kWH reduction was observed for the period between November and January, which represents £4,613.00 saving for the quarter. For the period between February and April, a 35,466 kWh saving was observed; and a 22.68 kWh reduction between May and July. If extrapolated, this equates to an £18,455 saving over a year, we continue to work closely with Lambert Smith Hampton (LSH) in order to delivery further energy savings across their managed portfolio. Most recently, this has seen 4D include a number of new installations across multi-let commercial sites in Bristol, Milton Keynes and Reading.
For more information, call us on 01480 484999.